You may have a storage of wheat and gallons of water in your garage, but what if you need to leave your home? Don’t get caught in the end of the world trying to build some lean-to out of logs. These inflatable tents are the answer. 

Using Air to Create a Place to Stay in the Wilderness 

If you have ever stayed in a tent, you know it is not always easy to figure out the polls and get it upright. Then if the wind blows that thing is flapping all night. I remember camping with my son in Hurricane and the wind had blown the top of the tent an inch from my face. 

That’s not going to work as a long-term solution if you need to grab your family and head for the hills. That’s where these new inflatable tents provide a perfect solution. They have some amazing options that can stand up to the weather. 

This video features some incredible tent solutions for when the world breaks down. Here's my three favorite:

HDT Global 40 Series Air Beam Shelters 

Inflatable tent used by the military
This could fit a few families.

Made for military use, this thing was made for a long-term solution when society goes off the rails. Two people can put it up and it is huge inside. This might be something to go in on with neighbors you trust. 

Alphago S6 

Inflatable tent sits on a trailer
Sturdy trailer unfolds into a home.

The beauty of this one is the durable trailer that can be hauled by a small truck. It inflates itself and gives you a sturdy place to sleep. It also has a kitchen and even a toilet that folds out from the bottom. 

Sonmez Air Bungalow 

Inflatable A-frame cabin on a lake
This inflatable cabin is super strong.

Like an A-Frame cabin, it is roomy, and its steep roof can even hold up in snow and is built to withstand high winds. It can accommodate as many as 10 people trying to get through a world gone crazy. 

Read More: Find Rare Utah Stones 1,000 Times more valuable than Gold

You thought you were prepared to flee into the mountains. These tent options could make it a whole lot more comfortable.

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.

Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn

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