Eastern Island Heads, the Sphinx, and the Statue of Liberty are emerging from the sand in the desert near Mesquite, Nevada. What is going on here?  

An Artist with a Shovel 

There are carvings from the dirt and sand lining Lower Flat Top Road near Mesquite. There’s a castle with spires that is slowly dissolving whenever it rains. The head of the Statue of Liberty is reminiscent of the scene from the original “Planet of the Apes”. 

These are the creation of a man named Pete Karns, a retired resident who carves the sculptures using a shovel. He has made many faces on the side of the road including two versions of Mount Rushmore. 

Statue of Liberty carved along roadway.
Statue of Liberty half buried in sand. https://youtu.be/sZl8M5ePsnY?si=S8XXfQA2yrSFmldp

You Have to Wonder Why? 

Even though Karns doesn’t claim to be an artist, his work on the sand would certainly qualify. He claims it is just a hobby that he is doing for fun. It has certainly captured people’s attention as there are several YouTubers who have covered it.  

What I like about the carvings is their impermanence. I once watched Tibetan monks create a sand mandala where the pile colored sand to create an intricate picture. When they are done, they just sweep it up. 

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The sand carvings in Mesquite are kind of like this. They have an expiration date. The people who visit them carve their names on them and add graffiti0 It's interesting. It makes me want to take a shovel and add something of my own creation. 

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