Human Figures in the Night 

My wife and I were walking our dog in our Southern Utah neighborhood on a quiet night just after Christmas when a truck pulled into a cul-de-sac in front of us and I saw giant humans slide past me. “What was that?” I said, looking at my wife in confusion. 

I followed the vehicle to where it had parked and what I found was not something I would have ever guessed. It was a large bronze sculpture of cowboys that had just arrived from the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas.  

Cowboy sculpture on a trailer at night

It had been on display there with other sculptures. They were transporting it to Lander, Wyoming where a company was going to make molds of it and produce a limited number of replicas to be sold to art lovers. 

The Meaning of the Statue 

When the sculpture is set up and not sitting on a trailer it features two cowboys on horses reaching across a fence shaking hands. The title of the piece is “Binding Contract” and harks back to a time when a handshake was your word. 

Cowboy sculpture in daylight

The sculptor's name is Bradford J. Williams, and he lives in New Mexico. The original was commissioned as a tribute to man from Oklahoma and was to portray the cowboy way of life. The artist is well known and has produced sculptures for celebrities like Tom Selleck and John Wayne. 

Read More: Tiny Utah Town Went Viral For This Street View

It was pretty surreal seeing this pass in front of me in the night and was even better when I found out what it was. I can only imagine what travelers think when they see it pass them on the freeway headed for Lander. 

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