Fascination with Dreaming and How to Control It 

Social media has latched onto the idea of lucid dreaming. This is the ability to control your dreams at night and create scenarios you want to dream about. Do you want to see the pyramids or cross swords with a pirate? Lucid dreaming is your ticket. 

I discovered this ability by accident. I was trying to improve as a person and as a byproduct, I found I could alter my dreams while in them. This was really nice when the dream was disturbing as I would just change the ending.

I casually told this to a co-worker at the time and she was astonished. She said that ancient philosophers had prized this ability. Some spent their lifetime trying to accomplish lucid dreaming.  

This is How I Discovered This Dream Skill 

At this time, I was trying to control my thoughts during the day. I realized there were many things I felt emotionally that were not true but were affecting how I thought. For example, emotions make me feel fear and my mind would make up a story to explain it. 

I may decide my boss is going to fire me or maybe I left the stove on. We all deal with these emotions and the stories that follow every day. I was trying to control my thoughts to align with what is true or real, and even more, I wanted to align it with God’s truth. 

You Have Probably Learned You Can Choose How You Feel 

Most of us have discovered we can choose how we react to things. A child may throw a fit in a grocery store over a treat, but at some point, we learn we can choose how we handle disappointment. The majority of us eventually stop throwing fits in public when we don’t get our way. 

Back to lucid dreaming. There are many videos on the internet and books that describe how to have these lucid dreams. This one from Daniel Love describes what I found out for myself. He says it has everything to do with the prefrontal cortex. This is the part of the brain that decides what reality is and how we will respond to it. 

Give Your Brain the Power

This describes my discovery. From the example before about fear. Rather than believe I would be fired, I would choose to believe I was blessed and watched over. This had a profound effect on my life. As I disciplined my thoughts every minute of the day, not only did my life improve, but it extended to my dreams at night. 

Dreams are the same as when we are awake. Our body feels an emotion and our mind makes up a story around it. As I was using my brain to control how I thought about these emotions during the day it just started to extend into the night. 

Read More: High Prices Giving Utahns Weird Dreams at Night

So, there you go. Now you know a way to lucid dreaming. Practice controlling those emotion filled scenarios that your brain makes up in the day and you’ll soon control your dreams. Even better, you can make a video about it and gain fame. See you are controlling your dreams already. 

How Many in America: From Guns to Ghost Towns

Can you take a guess as to how many public schools are in the U.S.? Do you have any clue as to how many billionaires might be residing there? Read on to find out—and learn a thing or two about each of these selection’s cultural significance and legacy along the way.


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