Don't Bring Bed Bugs Home to Utah from Your Vacation 

Many big cities in the eastern part of the United States have become infested with bed bugs. Motels and resorts have struggled to get rid of these pesky bugs that invade drawers and mattresses. They also hide in furniture and the cracks in walls. 

Bed bugs can hitch a ride in your luggage or even purses and backpacks when left in an infested motel room. This can be an uncomfortable discovery when staying with family or friends. You do not want these little biters hitching a ride home with you. 

How to Guard Against Bed Bugs 

Inspect the place you're staying for any signs of bed bugs. They are small, about the size of an apple seed, and are hard to spot. If you see small blood spots on the mattresses, this can be a sign. 

Keep your luggage and belongings off the floor and away from the wall or furniture. If you suspect a problem, wash your clothes and dry them on high heat when you get home. This video demonstrates how to check a place for bed bugs. 

Don’t Let the Thought of Bed Bugs Keep You Home 

Here is a list of the cities with the biggest problems with bed bugs. At the top of the list is Chicago followed by New York and Philadelphia. Los Angeles is also on the list at number 5. Be mindful of this if you visit these places. 

Read More: This is the Bug that will Invade Utah This Year

Being aware and checking where you stay will keep them away. Even if the worst were to happen, you can get rid of these little pests. Find a pest control company who knows how to deal with bed bugs, and you will be fine.  

These 50 US Cities are Crawling with Bed Bugs

Every year the pest control gurus at Orkin put together a list of the Top 50 Bed Bug Destinations in the United States. Which areas do you travel to that you should take extra care to watch out for these blood-sucking insects? Let's countdown to the most bed-bug-riddled city in the United States.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

9 Bugs That You Need to Kill Immediately

Here is a list of 9 bugs that even scientists agree should be killed if you see them around your property.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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