China Makes Utahn’s Look Like Novices In Historic Destruction
We have done some stupid things to our environment here in Utah. There were the boy Scouts who pushed over an ancient rock formation in Goblin Valley. There are plenty of petroglyphs that have been shot up and then there’s this scar on the bluff in St. George. All pretty grievous but nothing like what they did in China.
Some construction workers cut a hole through the Great Wall. That’s right, dug right through it. Apparently, they were looking for a short cut to their construction site. Sounds like something out of a Minion's movie with Gru on the loose.
I don’t know if you could do anything more casual and destructive to a world historic site. Maybe if you shaved a corner off the Great Pyramid of Giza and made it three sided. Or if you spray painted the Parthenon pink, that might be as bad.
The Great Wall China is cool because it is a wall that goes a long way over mountains and now it has a hole in it. It is now the Great Walls of China. Two people with a backhoe did more in a couple hours than thousands of Huns ever dreamed of.
I can’t think of anything you could do that stupid here in Utah. Maybe stucco the stone houses of the ancient cliff dwellers. You could cover the Salt Lake temple in neon. Possibly fill part of the Grand Canyon with packing peanuts or desalinate the Great Salt Lake.
Somewhere Gru and some construction workers from China are nodding their heads and taking notes.