Belief in Angels is Strong in Utah: Do They Leave Signs?
Those Who Believe in Angels in America
A nationwide poll taken showed that nearly 7 out of 10 Americans believe in angels. Even with the decline in religious belief, the majority still affirm a belief in these heavenly messengers. Even 2% of atheists reported believing in angels.
Utah is no exception. Belief in angels is high among religious people and Utah is a state where religion is important to many residents. However, this belief in angels is not uniform. Even within different faiths, how people think angels interact with humans varies.
Some people see them as entities that appeared in scripture with prophets or holy people and not much more than that. Others feel like they interact with regular people all the time. The spectrum of how angels visit earth is wide and varied.
If you are more in the angels visiting often camp, people in the past had certain ways to detect if an angel had been by.
Specific Signs Left After an Angel Visits
Daily Manifesting Miracles is a channel that discusses some of the traditional signs that people believed were associated with an angel visit:
1. Feathers
If you find a feather in a place you didn’t expect, tradition says this may be an indication you have had a visitor from the other side. This is especially true if it is a white feather.
2. Ringing in Ears
This isn’t the high-pitched ring that doesn’t go away like tinnitus, but a short unexpected ringing that doesn’t seem to have a source. This may be an angel trying to get your attention.
3. Flashes Light
These are balls of light sometimes captured on video. This is a moment when angels make themselves known in the physical world. It is a reminder that we are not alone and being watched over.
4. Sudden Warmth
This is like a hug from the other side. They are touching your life to give support.
5. Coins in Unexpected Places
Described as a wink from the other side to remind you that you are watched over. The date on the coin can be significant to help you understand a message.
6. A Touch When You are Alone
When you feel a touch on your shoulder or hand when there is no one else around. This brush can remind you there is guidance available from the angels.
7. Messages through Feelings and Dreams
This is a direct line to the divine. In sleep you are closer to the other side, and this is the moment when messages can be delivered. At wake times, it can come as a thought or intuition.
Read More: Get Stranded In Utah And Be Surprised By Kindness of Strangers
Where do you stand when it comes to angels? Have you had experiences with the other side and has it been comforting and helpful? I’m not sure about the signs in this list, but I’m not throwing it all out either. I have had my share of moments that are hard to explain.
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