“Where’s Waldo” Inspires Cancer Patient at Intermountain Healthcare St. George
A cancer patient at the Intermountain Cancer Center in St. George used “Where’s Waldo” to help with his treatment.
The City of St. George Facebook page posted a heart-warming video on Monday, May 15 showing the story of local cancer patient Steve Graves. Graves has been a prostate cancer patient at Intermountain for several months and even ended his treatment with a waldo-esc bang.
During his initial treatments, Graves would stare at a picture on the ceiling of his exam room while on a table. This was part of the treatment Graves said. However, the picture, which was of flowers, became boring after a while. Even though the treatments were only 10 minutes, Graves needed the distraction.
“I just casually mentioned to the technicians that, you know, they should change the picture or put a tv screen up there, or something. And then I joked on the way out I said, ‘or maybe they should just put a “Where’s Waldo” picture up there and then you’d really have to study something for a while’,” Graves said.
Evidentially the technicians thought this was a fabulous idea.
Upon Graves next treatment, he noticed a small Waldo figure hidden in a picture.
“It brought the biggest smile to my face; you can’t even imagine. I had to physically constrain myself from laughing because you’re supposed to hold still during this process, but they (technicians) came in and I was grinning from ear to ear. One of the technicians commented that I must have seen Waldo,” Graves said.
Graves treatments came to an end but on the final day, he had a surprise for Intermountain staff. He came in full “Where’s Waldo” gear but wasn’t the only one. Intermountain Front Desk Nurse Jen Stafford supported Graves’ last day of treatment by also dressing up as Waldo.
Though it started as a daunting and scary thing, Graves made life-long friends and was able to ring the Cancer Gong to signal the end of his treatment.
“Hopefully, (I) never have to come back in this building again but I certainly hope I get to see these amazing people again somewhere else because they’ve had a huge impact in my life,” Graves said.
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