Play This When Your Family Gathers To Utah This Thanksgiving
The turkey bowl was a tradition among my friends when I was growing up. This was a full-on tackle football game minus the pads and proper equipment. Picture a dozen testosterone filled teens trying to run over each other. It was a bruising painful experience.
Many families and friends carry on this tradition during the Thanksgiving Holiday usually using flags or two hand-touch. Often there is a group who want nothing to do with this tradition. They have no interest in sports, or they are at the age they are afraid of pulling a muscle that sends them into their retirement years in a wheelchair.
Here’s some ideas that might be an alternative to the turkey bowl tradition.
This would be good if you have a family of book readers. It comes from the Harry Potter series and involves brooms and lots of running around. If you can fly, that’s a bonus.
Electronic Football:
Perfect for the family who lean towards engineering. This is a game from the 70’s available on eBay. It uses a vibrating board to send little football players down the field and more likely in circles. I spent hours lining up my team and flipping the switch to see everything turn to chaos.
Earlier Editions of Madden:
For the family of gamers. Pull out the old PlayStation 2 that your older kids grew up with and watch them go nuts. Your home will soon be filled whooping and hollering along with end zone dances that the nieces in dance class will be trying to copy.
It’s all about coming together and having so much fun your political uncle forgets to gripe about the state of the country. Now I’m headed to eBay to buy an overpriced relic.
10 Easy, Make-Ahead Tailgate Recipes For Bills Games
Gallery Credit: YouTube/Canva