State of the World Has People Thinking of a Place to Retreat

Small towns in central Utah are booming with people who want a getaway from more populated areas. My brother moved from the Wasatch Front to Mount Pleasant in Sanpete County and discovered a whole lot of people who were doing the same thing. 

Land is cheaper in some of the small towns in the state and you can get acres instead of a plot. Many of these people are interested in getting away from the bustle of urban living. Others want a place that feels safer as the world seems to be getting crazier. 

Some people are buying places as a second home in these locations. This gives them a place to run to if society becomes hard to live in. It is easy to see with the recent pandemic how having somewhere to hunker down until it all blows over can be appealing. 

Small Towns Are Great but What About Places with Nobody? 

There are some real deals if you look towards the northwest corner of Utah near the Great Salt Lake. The ground here is alkaline, and it is empty of people. There is a listing for 10 acres in Grouse Creek for $12,500. Not good for homesteading, but great for a bunker. 

If you have had these thoughts, you are not alone. I know of some developers who want to build a kind of bunker community for those who want a backup plan. Kind of a storage unit for you and your loved ones in the apocalypse. 

Read More: Tiny Utah Town Went Viral For This Street View

Of course, off the grid living has become a popular trend. Maybe it is time you got you a little piece of nowhere. 

11 Places in Utah that Look Like Middle Earth

These are locations in Utah that look something from a Tolkien novel.

The Marbled Wonder of Candy Cliffs In Southern Utah

A hidden gem often overlooked in Southern Utah features marbled sandstone and candy cliffs.


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