Monster Trucks Militia this Weekend: What Would You Smash?
Monsters are coming to the Fairgrounds this weekend. Monster Truck Militia will have two shows this Saturday at 1:00 and 7:00 pm. Monster Militia says "You will see high flying monster truck action up close and personal."
Watching massive trucks and SUV's with tires larger than a small house is a rite of passage for growing up in America. They drive them over crushed cars to the joy and amazement of all in attendance. The show will be great, but I asked people on social media what they would like to see crushed by a monster truck. These were some of the responses.
Ben said he would like to see outhouses smashed.
I'm good with that as long as I'm not down wind.
Maren thought a stadium full of bubble wrap would be fun.
There's nothing better than a new sheet to snap.
Tom would like to see it take down a Bouncy Castle.
I wouldn't mind seeing a bunch of trucks going at it in a bounce house.
Jared thought smashing some bud light would do it.
Seems like a good use.
CeCe said she would like to see them smash the price of gasoline.
Way to think around the problem CeCe.
I'm sure the Monster Truck Militia doesn't need our suggestions to make it a great show. But, if you have an extra outhouse...just sayin.
You can get your tickets at Perks or go to MosterTruckMilitia.com. Saturday May 20, at Washington County Legacy Park in Hurricane Utah. Seats start at $15.
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