Innovative Strategies Utah Could Use to Keep Star Players
The Texas Rangers are hurting to get Jordan Montgomery, a free agent pitcher and a member of the 2023 championship team, to want to stay with the team. In an attempt to lure him into staying Hurtado Barbecue went as far as offering him free barbecue for life if he would decide to stay. Sound desperate? It probably is, but what if it works?
What would Utah have to offer to lure star players to her teams? I'm sure we could think of something that would improve their lives.
Regular Mentions of Their Athletic Heroics in Church Talks
Utah culture loves a winning story and the athletic arena is full of them. What if we offered athletes exclusive mentions of their hero stories in our religious discourses? They could be as famous as David beating Goliath if they play this card right.
Naming Rights
How about an agreement that a percentage of parents will name their kids after them with a different cuter spelling and maybe crunching a family name into it as well? I mean it's going to happen anyway, but if we made the offer maybe the athlete would feel honored. How does Jordanne Mitchgomery sound?
An Open Invitation To Any Family Reunion
What family isn't going to be delighted to have a pro athlete at their pavilion? Again let's sell this a rare opportunity. You can have all the free food you want, adoring fans and you don't have to memorize any names because they will have name tags.
More Wins
We love endurance races. What if we created a race centered around the athlete's strengths? Everyone would clamor to participate, but our chosen athlete would obviously take the prize because the race is centered around them. Boom, instant win, again lots of adoring fans, and probably a mention in a church talk, now you got a two-for-one.
I'm sure if we pool our ideas we are bound to get some top-tier athletes begging to play in Utah.
Sports Teams of Colorado's Past
Gallery Credit: Kelsey Nistel