Holiday Foods You Would Like To See An Animal Smash
Hogle zoo is having an event for the holidays called Feast With the Beast.
Basically they serve their animals holiday treats and visitors get to see them smash, eat and roll in them.
The question on everyone's mind of course is, "What holiday dishes would you like to see smashed, pecked apart or crushed?" and "What animal would you like to see do the destruction?" Now in this fantasy food battle, we assumed that the animals would be determined to eat the item and of course, the food would be in a formal setting. This is not advice in any way to go feeding your exotic pet wildebeest marshmallow-topped yam casserole. I mean come on everyone who owns a wildebeest should know that.
A Giraffe Vs.Tiered Cake
This one would be nice and messy. First, the Giraffe would have to use their signature stoop to get to the cake even if the tiers are tall enough for it to get at in the beginning eventually Gerry is going to have to go for ground zero. Then that long tongue would scatter the gooey icing and cake. Soon I think the giraffe would look more like a bride on the wedding night when her cheeky husband decided to spread her bite of cake instead of feeding it to her. Yeah, this could be magical.
A Bear Vs. Mashed Potatoes
The Epic battle begins as the bear scoops for the dish only to find out its claws are in the way. Frustrated it goes nuzzle first and slides the bowl around the table. This activates his play centers and soon he is rolling in it, licking his paws and spreading white mash over all the freshly pressed linens. Poetry in motion.
A Raven Vs. A corked Bottle
I would like to see a clever raven have to match its wits to a corked bottle. I imagine it would start with inspecting the bottle trying to get at its grapey goodness. I could see it finding a way to drop it from higher and higher heights trying to crack the bottle. When that didn't work maybe it would make a corkscrew out a spoon and fork. Finally mastering its cleverness it would convince the elephant that the bottle contained a peanut surprise and get it to step on the bottle.
A Rhinoceros Vs. Dinner Rolls
Maybe not as messy as the mashed potatoes, but great fun watching the rhino stampede the dish of rolls. I see most of the table bouncing as this beast goes for his treat. Inevitably we are going to see at least one of the rolls skewered on his horn and hopefully butter smeared everywhere. Think of jousting and tennis mixed as a new sport.
Tiger Vs. Cooked Turkey
Carve the turkey? You mean maul the turkey. I am hoping this one includes the tiger being held a few steps behind the kiddie table so it can make its diving approach. Hopefully, the dish doesn't slide off the table as seeing Tony mount the table to get the wishbone first would make a delightful centerpiece.
A Gorilla Vs. Pumpkin Pie
Lots of cream and dainty serving dishes would accent the big gorilla fingers scooping up the orange cream of pumpkin pie. I can see a lot of finger-licking and hopefully like his monkey cousins a propensity for throwing instead of serving fellow diners. I also see the entire dish raised to the mouth in a sort of self-administered pie to the face.
Maybe there is still a kid in me who enjoys seeing the special feast upended, but it gets me excited to think of zoo animals coming to a fancy holiday party. Apparently, Hogle Zoo agrees.
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Gallery Credit: Kelsee Pitman
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