Hilarious Utah Reactions To California Bear Costume Insurance Fraud Scam
When I saw this story hit the news, I had to ask around and get a Utah take on it. In California, a group of criminal masterminds decided their genius ticket to quick cash was...wait for it...a person in a bear costume. Yes, a full-on *faux bear attack* on their Rolls Royce Ghost (not the scary kind, although by the end of the story, it could be) to commit insurance fraud.
Foolishly, they sent surveillance footage in their claim, which is included in the clip here.
Utahns responded with the following hilarious and profound forensic insight:
“When the ‘bear’ enters the car, it hardly rocks back and forth. It does not seem like a 400-pound bear has boarded the Rolls Royce. They should have thought of that. Humans are just lighter and gentler than bears.”
“The claw marks are ridiculous. The scratches start in a straight line—what bear has manicured claws that make a straight line? And then the slashes slide straight across the interior. It is so obvious that someone was just dragging a rake tool. They didn’t even dig deep, like they didn’t want to do too much damage just in case their plan didn’t work.”
Read More: Utah’s MOST COMMON Scam Calls Are From THIS Area Code!
“I love how the ‘bear’ rests his hand—I mean paw—on the dashboard several times. This ‘bear’ is more about getting comfortable than rooting for food."
"Maybe the real fraud is how much these people spent on that Rolls Royce, because if you can’t afford to fix it, why are you buying it?”
What about you? What broke the believability factor for you?
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Gallery Credit: Scott Clow
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