How To Utilize Extra Rooms: Guests Coming to Utah
Guests are coming to visit, and you need more places for them to sleep. You have filled up the extra bedrooms and you still could use another bed or two. There are many options for extra beds that won't take up a lot of space.
You could load up on air mattresses. These fold up in a closet, and they make them from very basic to deep queens that stand up off the floor.
Maybe you should get a futon which can easily fold flat. There are many different companies that make sleeper sofas. Some of these are quite comfortable to sit and sleep on. These have changed a lot from the back wreckers of the past.
What if you already have enough couches in your house? Maybe this coaster is what you are looking for. This upholstered coffee table actually opens into a bed.
It doesn’t take up much room and it doesn’t cost a lot. It would be good for a niece or nephew although the mattress doesn’t look too luxurious.
If you really want form and function, check out the Murphy Beds where a bookcase or cabinet drops down into a place to sleep. Wilding Wallbeds is a company in Southern Utah. They have many options that make great use of space. I think these cabinet beds are a good option.
If none of these work in your house, you can always let them sleep in your bed and go rent a nice motel. You might even get to bed at a reasonable hour, and hey, heated pool.
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Gallery Credit: Cjco Team Brokered by: ReeceNichols - Leawood, Realtor.com