What Does it Mean to Have a Solid Serial Number on a Bill? 

It only happens about every 11 million bills that are printed and can be worth hundreds and even thousands of dollars to collectors. That is if the green serial number on a paper bill has all the numbers the same like 22222222. 

If you have some paper money in your wallet, you may want to check out the serial number before you spend it. A solid serial could be valuable as could other unique serial numbers. If you find one interesting to a collector, that bill will be worth more than the denomination printed in the corners. 

What Should You Look for in a Serial Number? 

There are many unique numbers you could find and anything that looks interesting, might be worth something. Here are three examples of serial numbers that catch the eye. 

Low or High Numbers: Low serial numbers like 00000200 could be worth something as can high serials like 99000000. 

Flippers: These are serial numbers that can be read the same when flipped upside down. Something with 9’s and 6’s. 

Star Notes: You might see a star printed at the end. This means the bill replaced one with a defect. They put a star at the end to indicate it was replaced. These are somewhat common. 

Read More: Cash Buried by Outlaws in Utah Waiting to be Found

There are many more unique serial numbers. The Penny Hoarder lists numbers that are valuable to collectors and their possible worth. So, train your eye to see what is different about your money and maybe you will find something that turns into even more cash.  

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