I recently learned about Barndominiums. If this is as new to you as it was to me, let me fill you in on this housing option that has been gaining in popularity. I talked with Ameen Shaeen with Falcon Buildings, a company that specializes in metal buildings. 

“Typically, it’s a pre-engineered steel building, that somebody will go on the interior side and frame it out, or fir it out with wooden studs, and after the building is up, then sheetrock it so it has a livable space,” said Shaheen. “So, on the exterior you are seeing a metal building, but on the interior it’s pretty much like a nice house. 


This is an interesting option for people who may need a place to store work equipment or off-road vehicles and also want a living space inside. It has become a popular option for those who have a business and an also want an apartment on their property for family members to stay in. Others make the whole building into their home, and it can look good even though it still has the steel building feel on the outside. 

Part of the popularity of barndominiums is the exposure they have received from television shows. “It’s kind of become a big thing on some of the channels like HGTV and people see what you can do with it,” said Shaheen.  


Many do it to save money building this way, but that isn’t always true. Since you are basically building two structures, steel on the outside and a framed home inside, it doesn’t always cut the costs down. However, depending on your needs, it may be a good option. I do think they look kind of cool, but you should be aware it is not going to look like a traditional home. 


“It’s pretty popular for cabin areas and for second homes,” said Shaheen. “Many have been built in Enterprise, Beryl and New Castle. Some people are doing them up in Duck Creek. All the roofs are loaded appropriate for the conditions.”  

For some reason, these capture my imagination and I think they are kind of fun to look at, but I’m not sure about the name. I think if I were to do this, I wouldn’t call it a barndominium, I would say it's my barn + mansion, or my barnsion. 

Check The Inside Of A Custom Barndominium In Montana - 10 Amazing Photos!

Barndominiums combine the look of a barn or garage with that of a house to give you what some are saying is the best of both worlds.

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