You’re Guilty Too: Utah’s Most MISPRONOUNCED Words!
If you're from Southern Utah... You've probably said a few of this words before, and I'm here to tell you STOP! THAT'S NOT HOW YOU SAY THAT!
The Words:
NOPE! Not a word! The word you're TRYING to use is "Supposedly". Supposed, NEVER Supposab!
Regardless is the correct word, and TECHNICALLY speaking "Irregardless" is a word, but it's nonsensical and just means "Regardless".
"I could care less!":
Well, that would mean that you CARE about it. You should be saying you COULDN'T care less. As if you care so little about it, you could physically NOT. CARE. ANY. LESS! This one drives me straight bananas!
It is not a Realuhter. It's a REALTOR. Somehow we've started to add the "uh" sound between "Real" and "Turr". Come on guys!
Another one that drives me up a wall. It's Espresso! There is NO X in this word! Can we please stop adding the X? Eh-Spress-So. NEVER EX-PRESS-SO!
Another X got thrown into this word! Especially! Why do so many people say EXPECIALLY?
The extra X's will be the death of me! You ESCAPE something. You don't EXCAPE it. Why do we Southern Utahns ALWAYS throw in that extra X?
I've heard GROWN ADULTS with COLLEGE DEGREES say the word "Libary" instead of LIBRARY! How?! How have you made it this far in life calling it Libary, and talking about the "LIBARIAN!" Baffles me.
A Gif is a little video that is on a loop without sound. You see them everywhere. GIF stands for "Graphics Interchange Format" It is "Giff" not "Jiff"! Think of the G sound "Graphics" makes. It's not "Jraphics" it's "Graphics" GIFF!
The word is actually Sher-bet, not Sher-Bert. Sherbert sounds like the old guy that lives down the street. When you have that for a dessert, you're not having Sherbert! You're having Sherbet. AND DEFINITELY NEVER SORBAY!