Ugliest building in Utah 

BabaMail is just one of many sites that list the ugliest building in each state. Several of them agree that the ugliest building in the beehive state is in Logan. It is the Strength and Conditioning Center on the Utah State campus.


I agree that this building exhibits ugliness. It looks like the architect forgot to use a straight edge and the builder built the thing while half asleep, but I think there is a building in Salt Lake that takes ugliness bigger and taller, and it would be rude to ignore it. 


The Federal Courthouse in Salt Lake.

This thing is a humongous monument to ugly. It looks like someone forgot to put on the outside and left it in its underwear. The person who designed it has to feel proud when they look at this eyesore that makes the trees seem uglier in its presence. 

We all have our own taste. Here are houses that people actually built and proudly lived in.

This looks like one of those garages that fit an RV, but there is not room for one of those in this one car deal. There must be a ladder from the living room to get to that bedroom up top.

Rock looks good on a house. But maybe not so much rock it looks like a deranged rock monster from the Hobbit.

They were trying for something different and they accomplished it. It also looks like the house is about to roll down the neighborhood. Makes me feel queasy just looking at it.

Whatever your motivations, embrace your ugliness Utah and be proud.

Quiz: Do you know your state insect?

Stacker has used a variety of sources to compile a list of the official state insect(s) of each U.S. state, as well as their unique characteristics. Read on to see if you can guess which insect(s) represent your state. 

Gallery Credit: Andrew Vale

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