How to make a horse happy in 30 seconds
You may already do this but if not, your horse will love you for it when you do. I used to clean out their water trough now and then with the garden hose but I finally figured out, I'm wasting MORE water that way. When it's this hot in Southern Utah, you have a better chance of keeping your horse and all of your animals hydrated if the water tastes good.
A while back I started cleaning their trough with my power washer. It takes 30 seconds and it is a LOT more efficient than just using the garden hose.
I was even doing the scrub brush on a broom stick thing for years. That works and gets rid of the sludge too but not as well and it's not as easy as this. I can't get all "judgy" on people who don't do this regularly. I didn't but now, they chug the water. Look at that!
I used to dump and fill and sometimes just fill without dumping out the water. Angry horses. But now, look how happy!!!
One other thing I learned from our vet about keeping horses hydrated. When we give them supplement (because they're getting older) we put a couple of scoops of that stuff in a bucket and fill it the rest of the way with a few gallons of water. The vet was telling us you can prevent having a horse colic by just making sure they get enough to drink. The puzzle for me was, "How do you get more water inside the horse?" Mixing it with the supplement did the trick. I'm no vet but if you are worried about a horse that doesn't seem like they are feeling well, it sure helped. Most of my ideas are flops. I thought I could help my wife give them wormer. I drilled out a carrot and filled it with this nasty wormer goop. Genius, right? Total thud. Huge mess. Don't try it.