How Much Do You Share With Others About Medical Issues?
What do you do when you have a medical issue? Do you keep it to yourself and act as if everything is normal or do you share it with everyone? Perhaps something in-between like just talking with those who are close to you?
Recently, I was having this discussion with my wife and I told her I understand how some people might want to keep their medical issues private, but it was kind of mean not to share such things with people close to you.
It hurts to find out someone you love was struggling with a medical problem and didn’t trust you enough to let you know.
A few months after we talked about this, I went to the doctor to have a mole checked out on my head. They removed it and found it was melanoma. It was in the early stages and was shallow, but they still want to go in and remove more of the skin around it. My wife dutifully shared this with those we are close to. What could I say, it was the advice I had so easily given before it was me having to share.
Now I have to go in for the doctors to take more skin off. This is not going to look very good, and I will soon be explaining to more people what is going on with my head. In fact, I’m now sharing my soon to be sliced up noggin with you. But here’s what I’m wondering, is there some sort of hat that would be inconspicuous to wear between the surgery to remove the skin and the one a week later to patch it up?
Here’s some of the hats I found around the radio station.
From the Andy Thompson in the ESPN studio. This would make me look sporty.
I kind of look like the Jack in the Box Guy.
Might be a little warm for summer in Southern Utah.
Not actually a hat, this was Aaronee's idea. She might not be taking my headwear seriously.
I don't think it will be too weird to wear a hat at work. Now what am I going to do for church?