Hair Style Advice For People Wanting To Appear Intelligent In Utah
How you wear your hair influences how others think of you. There is a lot of hair advice on the internet. If you want to appear more intelligent, this site says you should wear your hair straight.
Individuals generally see others with straight hair as professional, clean and intelligent. They view people with curly locks as approachable, carefree risk takers, but also as unruly and unprofessional.
That’s not the only advice for appearing smarter. Ryan Seacrest recently said on his radio program that if you part your hair to the left, people will see you as more reliable and intelligent.
There was a study done by a psychiatrist on whether more body hair indicated higher intelligence. He studied medical students and found they were more likely to have chest hair.
His research amongst medical students in America found that 45 per cent of male trainee doctors were "very hairy", compared with less than 10 percent of men generally.
I’m not a statistician, but I don’t think his methods were well thought through, even though the article says he has been studying the relationship of hair and intelligence for 22 years. I know a lot of intelligent women who don’t have a whole lot of body hair.
Another site noted most intelligent men have worn their hair long and sometimes messy. Think of Einstein with his bedhead look.
Some religions like the Sikhs prefer men wear their hair longer, while here in Utah the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has preferred a shorter look. None of these matter to me because my hair started leaving me in the 7th grade. I couldn’t find anyone who thought the bald look was the intelligent way to go.
Here’s my advice, stop worrying how you appear to others and maybe just do your best to be a good friend or employee. I have a feeling your actions will do a lot more for you than how you part your hair or if you have arm hair that looks like you are part goat.