Can you pick out the REAL spaceship? Which of these are real and which are fake?
As new UFO files get declassified every day, I thought we might do a little test to see if you can spot a REAL spaceship and know which ones are fakes. Some of these look like something from a major amusement park. Some look like movie props but ONE is an actual spacecraft. Yes. A real spaceship. Lets see if you know which one.
This one is from Disneyland. Really cool. One of the things Disney does best is make things look authentic by making them look primitive. The less "pretty" they are, the more they look like the real deal.
This picture is from the inside of the ship so since this isn't a story about an abduction, you can write this off as not the real spaceship.
This too looks more like a movie prop. And you're right.
This you may recognize as a re-creation from Star Wars. Again, not a real space ship.
Too many people in this shot for you to believe we are ALL aboard a spacecraft. Nothing gets by you, huh?
As much as I'd like to tell you I came face to face with REAL Stormtroopers, this too is from a movie set and not from the spacecraft.
These guys kept following me around the park just to get into the shot so we'll do them a solid and let them in. No, not a real spacecraft. They said they're from somewhere else. Something about "...far, far away". Not sure why they kept saying "far" twice but whatever.
You may know, you are not allowed to bring your kids onto a real spaceship so that was a giveaway on this. You may want to send your kids to space but this might not get them there. It too is a movie prop.
Wait. This one looks real But no. Still not a real spaceship.
This one was believable for a minute but then I was photobombed. Again, not a real spacecraft. But we're getting there. Keep in mind, you are going to see at least one REAL spaceship.
While it's cool and it looks FAST, that's not the real spaceship. Though I wish it was real. How fun would that be to fly around in?
Bad place for a crash landing so this isn't the real spacecraft either. Wait. Are those churros?
Finally! The real spacecraft. It may not look like much but it was SO cool to see the Apollo 11 Command Module. This is THE REAL ship that took our astronauts to the moon. It is surprisingly primitive. NASA has said on many occasions, they would have loved to have had the technology of the average smart phone back then when they sent this capsule and it's occupants into space all the way to the moon in July of 1969. Making THIS a real spacecraft. And the guy standing next to it a real goober.