Welcome to PEACH Days in Hurricane UT
In case you missed Peach Days this year, you might want to put it on the calendar for next year. It was a lot of fun, the food was great and there was a lot to see. Even some stuff to take home.
Are you sure this is the best way to slice peaches by throwing an axe at them?.
I had never done axe throwing but thanks to Phat Axe, I will be doing that again. I've done a lot with an axe over the years when camping or just trying to make a board fit but I'd never THROWN one. You've got to try it!
They put this stand in the perfect spot where you could just grab a big box of peaches on your way out of the park. They even had golf cart shuttles running to take you back to your car.
You know it's a good event when the temperature is way over 100 and the crowd is sticking around.
As I was taking pictures, my iPhone gave me an "over-heating" warning that said it needed to shut down. BTW If you get one of those, it helps to remove the cover to let your phone cool down. (DON'T put it in the refrigerator. I've heard that causes condensation to form in your phone and that can be ...bad). I've also learned that having the phone charger hooked up adds to the heat so the next time you need to cool down, unplug the power cord.
The people of Hurricane put on a great party and should be very proud. Parking was easy and pretty organized . Good job y'all. See you next year.