
Can You Break A Window To Rescue A Pet In Utah?
Can You Break A Window To Rescue A Pet In Utah?
Can You Break A Window To Rescue A Pet In Utah?
There you are, in the St. George Target parking lot on a summer day.  As you are about to get into your own hot car, you hear some muffled barking nearby.  The car next to you has a dog left alone in the car.   The windows are partially rolled down, but even then you can tell the dog is not enjoying the temperature.  What do you do?  ...
These Pets Are Banned In The State Of Utah
These Pets Are Banned In The State Of Utah
These Pets Are Banned In The State Of Utah
It's been said that dogs are a man's best friend. But what about a Gorilla? Well, if you live in Utah, I guess you'll never find out. I remember not long ago watching the documentary Tiger King on Netflix and thinking to myself “What is wrong with this idiot? Who ...