Unexpected Urban Residents In Utah Threaten Your DogUnexpected Urban Residents In Utah Threaten Your DogCoyotes have adapted to living with humans and are thriving in urban areas.David HiattDavid Hiatt
Four Animals you can Hunt Year Round in Utah Four Animals you can Hunt Year Round in Utah Learn about the four animals that can be hunted year-round without a license in Utah.David HiattDavid Hiatt
Coyotes Breeding With Dogs? Keep Bella Inside UtahCoyotes Breeding With Dogs? Keep Bella Inside UtahDiscover the surprising facts about coyotes in Utah, including their ability to breed with dogs and the rare occurrence of coydogs.David HiattDavid Hiatt
How To Protect Your Pet From Coyotes In UtahHow To Protect Your Pet From Coyotes In UtahCoyotes have infiltrated urban areas looking for easier hunting and it's true here in Utah. Pets can be in danger of being this predators next meal.David HiattDavid Hiatt