“Santa is Real,” Declares Full Grown Man From Utah
How do you determine if someone is real or not? It is kind of a weird question and one that you don’t have to answer too often. Basically, if you can touch them, you know their voice, if you can describe their personality, they are real. Understanding where they live and do for a living along with their back story solidifies it.
Why do I ask? Well, if that is all true, is Santa Clause real? I think he passes all the tests. Before you shake your head at my child-like belief, think it through.
Can you touch Santa Clause? Yes, you can. My friend Ike works here at the station. He has a tradition with his family of getting a picture with Santa every year. Next week they are going to all dress up in camouflage and head to the mall. I asked him if he sits on Santa’s lap and he said, “you know I do.” Check off being able to touch him.
Do you know Santa’s voice? There are thousands of commercials every year as well as movies with Santa’s voice on them. You recognize it the moment you hear it. Right now, you could say something that sounds kind of like Santa. It is a jolly older man sound and often ends with “ho ho ho.”
Ask anyone to describe his personality and they will say he's jolly and giving. We know where he lives in the North Pole and have a pretty good idea of the color of his house. We know his wife and those who work for him and there have been whole movies documenting his back story.
Santa Clause passes every test for how we determine if someone is real. Not only that, but we are also affected by his good works as a country and as individuals. I think I have made my case and I stand with all the bright-eyed children out there waiting for Christmas. Santa Clause is real.
HUGE! Check Out Santa's Wonderland Here in Texas!
Gallery Credit: Leo