Parents in Utah should be aware what the term “chroming” means as it has a newfound popularity thanks to a trend on Tik Tok. This is inhaling chemicals and vapors from household products to create a high. The name comes specifically from huffing chromium paint.  

This isn’t new, as breathing in chemicals has been around for a long time. There was always a kid in elementary school who sniffed the open markers. With the help of social media and a new name, your kids may not realize the danger of breathing in these chemicals. 

Photo by cottonbro studio:
Photo by cottonbro studio:

One good look at the label will list the dangers of inhaling the product. It also lists what to do if it is ingested. One good look at the recommended treatment should get even the most destructive among us to take a pause.  

There are always dangers out there for young people growing up with so many voices telling them what they should try and what they should do. Parents in Utah should make sure their voice of love and concern is the main one being heard. Usually this just means taking the time to interact with your kids. 

Photo by Mishal Ibrahim on Unsplash
Photo by Mishal Ibrahim on Unsplash

And don’t assume your kids are too smart to spray a paint into their face. The internet can fill even an adult’s head with stupid ideas. Google dumb things people have done for social media fame and you get a list that will keep you shaking your head for an hour. 

It never hurts to know what the latest stupid trend is and keep your ears open when your kids are talking. 

Misheard Lyrics From Iconic Pop Songs

Stacker compiled a list of some of the most misheard pop lyrics to become infamous for the funny mistakes fans made when singing the "wrong" words.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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