Local Teenagers Play Games and Make Crafts with those with Special Needs
Every week there’s a gathering for a special need's activity in downtown Washington. Local youth have fun with those with mental and physical impairment in the area.
It was once called Special Needs Mutual, now referred to as Special Needs Activity Programs, and there are several happening each week in Southern Utah. They are part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and encompass several stakes in each area.
Robert and Cathy Whitney are the directors for the Washington City Special Needs Activity Program. Both serve as volunteers as do all who help on a weekly basis.
Those special needs Indviduals who come and enjoy the program are usually from the Washington city area, but it isn’t restricted to a geographical location either.
“Anyone from 18 years or older is welcome to come,” said Cathy. “If they need to be monitored or helped, we ask that someone comes with them.”
To plan the weekly activities, youth groups and others sign up and provide the outline and the means for that week. Different groups from the stakes covered, sign up to provide a Thursday night activity.
Cathy said, “The wards from random stakes, just come and they host it. The Snap participants do the opening and that’s pretty awesome. Then we turn the time over to the ward and they do the activity.”
Recent activities have included potato races, line dancing and paper airplanes. The Washington Fields 3rd Ward had fun painting pots and planting seeds along with 9-square and corn hole this last week.
“One night we had a movie night with a huge blow-up screen,” said Cathy. “We watched ‘Home’. It was huge.”
This was a really good experience for the youth to be a part of and it was an enjoyable experience for all involved. The Whitney’s wanted to encourage those with special needs who would benefit from this social interaction each Thursday to come and join in.
“They can just come down, that’s the easiest way. We are here every Thursday, following the public-school schedule. We’re here at 7 O’clock,” said Cathy. “They can also contact me.”
They meet every Thursday in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints chapel by the park in Washington City at Main St and Telegraph. If you know someone who would benefit, here is the Whitney’s information:
Cathy Whitney 435-231-2976 Catmama.cw@gmail.com