KDXU Sunrise Stories for August 8, 2023: Thompson Ridge Fire, Moab Sexual Assault, and a Private Jet Service
KDXU Sunrise Stories: Volume 28
Statewide News – 08/08/23
Biden to Speak About Veteran Benefits in Utah
President Joe Biden is expected to visit Utah on August 10, speaking about veteran benefits while attending other events.
The President will be celebrating the one-year anniversary of the PACT act, which aims to provide health care to veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange (a tactical herbicide used during the Vietnam War), and other toxic substances.
President Biden will also participate in a campaign event in Park City during his visit.
Moab Teacher Arrested for Suspected Sexual Assault
An art teacher from Moab was arrested for allegedly touching a 12-year-old girl inappropriately.
The child told authorities from Grand County that the 70-year-old art teacher, Robert Hucko, decided to stay at her home when he realized there weren’t any adults in the house.
As they were walking to the home’s art room, the teacher reportedly touched the girl in lewd places. According to court documents, this was not the only incident that made the girl uncomfortable. She also told authorities that Hucko allegedly rubbed her shoulders while she worked on a school project.
Authorities took the teacher into custody on Saturday, August 5. Due to the age of the child, this case is a felony charge.
Uber for Flying?
Set Jet will be serving Utah Residents in the near future, which is a jet subscription service.
The CEO of Set Jet said the service is catered toward those who are tired of crowded airports or long security lines.
Residents can pay a $99 monthly subscription fee to reserve seats on one of five private jets, but they will have to pay a set price for the flight of their choice.
That price, however, will not change. A flight to Scottsdale, Arizona, will cost $750 and is the set price.
Southern Utah/St. George News – 08/08/23
Hurricane Valley Fire District Mourns Loss of Friend and Colleague
Authorities from the Hurricane Valley Fire District are mourning the loss of Mike Bringhurst, who served as a volunteer for over 39 years.
Bringhurst passed away on August 1, 2023, and Captain Tyler Ames of the HVFD said Bringhurst was “the epitome of loyalty," and said that he will be missed by community members across all of Southern Utah.
You can find his obituary, as well as methods of delivering flowers and other gifts, by clicking here.
Thompson Ridge Fire Keeps Growing
The Thompson Ridge fire, which is located about 11 miles Southeast of Beaver, has now burned over 1,000 acres as of the morning of August 8.
Over two dozen fire fighters are currently working to contain the fire, including the use of special equipment like a helicopter, but the fire is still nowhere near contained.
The fire was started on August 4, and was reportedly caused by a lightning strike.
You can find current info on the Thompson Ridge Fire here.
Critical Fire Conditions Near St. George
The National Weather Service is warning of critical fire conditions near St. George, courtesy of a Red Flag Warning.
Weather officials are advising against participating in any activities that could create sparks in Southern Utah.
High winds of 45 miles per hour and little humidity are expected today and tomorrow.
Fun Fact about Stockton Myers, the writer of Sunrise Stories.
His brother-in-law runs Hurricane Theatrical, which is a community theater based in...you know...Hurricane. Newsies is currently playing at the theater and Stockton saw the production last night, and the audience was very loud. Hence, a lovely morning headache. He enjoyed the show very much though.
Did we miss something? Then let us know by connecting with us on Facebook. We care dang it...sorry, got a bit too passionate.
Happy Tuesday!
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