Who's the "splash guy" in your family?


Is it a sibling that if they don't show up the party isn't nearly as fun?

Or a cousin at a family reunion, if people find out he's not coming they call for a postponement?

Game nights without this guy are painful and long and awkward. Three hours of Settlers of Catan and everybody is talking about their jobs and how good of a quarter they had or how their kids did the funniest thing the other day!


You need a splash guy. But you never know when they're gonna show up...

Utah football was a nice stable family party with some RC Cola, some good family friendly card games, and everybody was guaranteed to always have a pretty good time.

Tyler Huntley...

Utah v Washington
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Travis Wilson...

Utah v Arizona
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Jon Hays...

USC v Utah
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Reasonable guys who you could have a pretty fun season with...

But then they got the splash guy.

Cam Rising.

Two Rose Bowl appearances. Fu Manchu. Marketability. I don't give a *bleep* about USC in press conferences. Lord Helmet. American First Commercials. Two point conversions. Stiff arming linebackers.

Washington State v Utah
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The Utah party got a splash guy.

But they've only got him for one more year and you never know when you'll get another one. He's slated to be healthy by the time Utah kicks-off the season against Florida.

Utes, make the most of this next year. Get him a couple receivers in the portal. They just got Mycah Pittman from Florida State, that's a great start...

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