Ice Cream for Migraines? Or Just for Fun!
My friends tease me about my belief that ice cream is "the primary food group". It is something I take seriously. I don’t know why but I’ve always been a nut for ice cream. Luckily, as you know, Southern Utah has a bunch to choose from. Like most things that happen in my life, there is a WEIRD story so let me tell you the story of the medicinal benefits of ice cream (that are vigorously disputed by my responsible sister, the emergency room nurse. She claims the medical community sees NO benefit to ice cream but here goes the story anyway)
Years ago, my wife and I were making our first road trip to Zion and while I feel great almost every day of my life, I didn’t feel very good. I’d heard people talk about migraine headaches but I didn’t know what they were. On this day, I had an uncommonly bad headache and my stomach wasn’t happy. It was so bad, she had to take over driving, which never happens. And to add to the fun, we were in my truck and she can’t drive a stick. It was THAT BAD. About an hour later we stopped to get gas and I grabbed an ice cream sandwich from the freezer. Here’s the medical breakthrough. In about 10 or 15 minutes, I was FINE. No headache at all.
A few months later, another peculiar headache (migraine?) showed up and while OTC headache meds made for migraines did nothing, I had an ice cream cone and the headache was GONE before the cone. I have NO medical credentials so I have no business recommending things but if you’re ever stranded and desperate, give it a try. 😊
Back to the cool ice cream shops around us. Handel’s is a local favorite with a zillion flavors to choose from. They even make their own ice cream here every day. You may have to zoom in to see the menu. They have a LOT to choose from.
(Handel pics 4 or more)
We've even got chains like Dairy Queen, A&W and more along with these outlets for little bowls of frozen heaven. If you are waiting for a recommendation, I like them all.
Have you been to Freddie's? I grew up in the midwest where they had Steak N Shake restaurants everywhere. Freddie's burgers and shoestring fries are just like Steak N Shake (that means GREAT by the way) and their frozen custard will make you cry.
Another chain that will make your taste buds stand up and beg is Culver's. The food is good and the frozen custard is excellent.
Before you put your spoon down, dig into Nielsen's Frozen Custard. 'LOVE that place.
Maybe you're watching your weight. Again, I have no medical or scientific credentials but if you're a frozen yogurt fan, I've found myself smiling from ear to ear inside Menchie's. Don't let the scale scare you. They weigh your bowl. Not you.
Just FYI: After talking with my sister the nurse, I asked my doctor about my migraine headache story and using ice cream to knock it. Politely as you please he said, "You're an idiot!" So, I'd take that as something he doesn't recommend. But my insides feel better when I have ice cream. Yours?