Include Zoo Animals In Your Holiday Feast This Year
The smell of a seasonal treat drifts lazily through the air as it makes its way into the room tickling your nose. The sparkle of excitement grows as your party anticipates the excitement of a cornucopia of flavor.
You watch the bright orange pumpkin coloring of the dish bouncing along as it makes its way to be served. Everyone tracks the platter as it lowers and gently gets handed to a gorilla. A gorilla that proceeds to pound, roll in, and devour the carefully crafted dish.
No, we are not talking about Aunt Delia and her intense love of pumpkin pie. You are actually watching zoo animals creatively open, squash and throw their specially made entrees. It’s the Hogle Zoo Feast with the Beast event and you are a welcome guest to the table filled with curious and fun-loving animals.
Hogle Zoo is putting on this fun event and is inviting guests to come and watch their animal residents consume holiday treats. You can watch animals problem-solve puzzles, smash and devour their menu items, and of course, have a tense discussion about the topics they vowed not to talk about this year.
The event starts in November and goes through December including Thanksgiving day until 2:00 p.m.
It’s a wild good time.
Hogle Zoo gives animals the chance to solve puzzles, break things open and discover different foods as part of their enrichment program. This program is designed to tap into an animal's natural desire to discover and develop their skills. The individual tasks are picked for the animal helping them to probe their natural instincts.
We’re not saying that eating with wild animals will be that much different than your typical family get-together, especially at the kiddie table, but this year maybe gather with the animals of Hogle Zoo and learn how the real animals do it. It’s only $5.00 online and $7.00 at the gate.