Expert Decluttering Strategies For Utah And Nevada
Spring comes early in our area, so this is a great time to do an inventory and get rid of some of that accumulated extra stuff.
Have you ever noticed that we are like crabs slowly moving through the corals of the sea, the more we travel the more extras jump on board, I saw a little crab snorkeling once that was burdened with a garden of barnacles, growth and other little animals catching a ride on his back. That’s how I feel when it is time to spring clean, how did so much stuff attach themselves to me?
So here are four tips I have come across to streamline your life:
Combine like things: Categories like adhesives can include tape and glue, but if you get more creative with your labels like “Hold Things Together”, you can also include paper clips, staplers, staples, paper clips etc. Don’t go so broad that everything is a mini miscellaneous category. I like small boxes, and I make a label for each item in the box.
Use Labels: This paragraph has one, why not add a label to the area. I was at a teacher improvement conference and one of the experts in organization told us to label things. She said that it is amazing how a label makes that space officially the spot for that item. I doubted her until I tried it. I try to keep labels somewhere aesthetically pleasing, like inside the drawer.
Assess as you organize: as you go through your things put on your “is this valuable?” goggles. If it is worn out, non-functional or you are just tired of it be ready to set it in the discard or donate pile.
Read More: Don’t Put Utah In A Cardboard Box
Get tough I am a sentimental person and really struggle to throw out old stuff especially when memories are attached. I like Marie Kondo's advice of thanking the item and then letting it go. Sometimes I have to just muscle through it (I always feel better once the item is gone). However, when I am really emotional, I turn my back and ask family members to remove the item, so I don’t have to.
I hope that helps you enjoy this season, the season to simplify.