Easy Way To Capture Video of Santa in Your Utah Home
There is nothing like the joy of little kids and Christmas. I was at a home where they put the elf on the shelf out. If you know about the elf, the kids wake each morning to find the elf has done something overnight and is often still in the act. The kids cannot touch him or something bad will happen.
While at this families home, I watched the three-year-old jab the elf in the eye with a pencil while his five-year-old sister went into a panic. It was a lot of fun for me, but his parents weren’t enjoying the Christmas cheer he was making.
If you want to help your children believe or if you have one that doesn’t buy into Santa’s naughty list, here’s an app that will get it done. It’s called Capture the Magic.com and they offer an app that makes it so you can take pictures and even video of the big guy dropping gifts at your house.
Basically, you upload a picture of your home and the tree. Then you pick a picture of Santa with a sack of gifts right there in your home. You can do the same to make a video of St. Nick sauntering into your front room with a wink. There is a free version and the ability to upgrade for a small fee.
Picture the surprise on your child's face when they see footage from your hidden camera of Santa Claus in from of their own Christmas tree.
Of course, you can do it the old traditional way and have grandpa dress up and scare the stockings out them outside the window. Either way it will be a Christmas memory they won't soon forget.
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