Drive Your Golf Cart To The New Smith’s in Sunriver
Smith's is building a new store by Sunriver in St. George, and even better, it will be the first location you can drive a golf cart too. That’s right. After 18 holes you can stop and grab groceries on the way home. You will have to leave your golf cart outside in the designated parking places. No driving it up and down the aisles as you shop.
The groundbreaking for the new Smith's has taken place and now they can begin building. Smith’s president, Kenny Kimball said they were hoping to have it built by late 2024. It will be a 123,000 square feet store with wider aisles and a bigger footprint. It will make shopping more comfortable.
“The residents came forward and said, we have some concerns. We’d really like to talk about them,” said Danielle Larkin from the city council. Smith's was willing to listen and according to Larkin, “This will be the first golf cart accessible store that Smiths has ever built.”
“Indoor dining, fuel center and for the outdoor enthusiasts, we’ll tailor the store to the community,” said Kimball. "
They will hire an additional 230 employees for the new store. It will cost about $31 million to build the store and they see it as an investment in the community. It will be built on Pioneer Road and Bluegrass Way in St. George.
This has been a long time coming and a big boon to the Sunriver area. Many of the residents would have liked to see it come yesterday. The addition of golf cart parking makes it pretty cool.