There is a fun family that lives in our neighborhood. They are a party to go and as we live near the neighborhood pool, I love to hear them having fun with each other in the warmth of the day. However, I’ve noticed that they are playing on the regular throughout the day even though they have school-aged children in their group. So here's my question. Is it my job to make sure they're in school? Is this my chance at being the nosey neighbor and maybe even a buttinski? 

The first information I could find indicated that Utah operates under a universal mandatory reporting system when it comes child care. Which means that anyone who possesses a "reason to believe" that a child is a victim of any form of neglect, including educational neglect, is legally obligated to report it. From  

Suspicion that a homeschooled child is being educationally neglected should be reported to Utah’s Child & Family Services at 1-855-323-3237. 

So there is my answer it’s time to make some heads roll.

Wait a moment, John," I silently cautioned myself, "Don't jump into action just yet. Before you appoint yourself as the new truancy officer, take a moment to grasp the broader perspective." It's essential to keep in mind that in Utah, the role of the guardian is pivotal.


Utah courts spell it out clearly,

A guardian is responsible for the physical care and custody of the child and for virtually all decision making, including health care, education, residence, social and other activities, and financial matters. A court order may limit the guardian's decision making authority. 

I got caught in this legal loophole when I accidentally let a runaway child have a sleepover with our family. He was a friend of my sons and I didn't realize he was on the lam when he came to stay at our house. Believe me, the state did not take my side on the issue when we were trying to put him back where he needed to be. 

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash
Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

But what about school? Don't they have to teach the kids? Actually no.

Utah allows parents to homeschool their children without imposing specific curriculum requirements. As of 2014, there is no longer a mandate for homeschooling parents to provide instruction in the same subjects or for the same duration as public schools. Homeschooling parents in Utah assume sole responsibility for their children's education.

So knowing the parents were there playing with the kids, I settled back down in my chair and enjoyed the laughs and splashes of this fun family enjoying the sunshine. Waiting for my next, no just enjoying the sounds.

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