Town Names of Utah – The Board Game
OK, you're at the Arizona/Utah state line. 'Wanna play the Utah Town Name board game? You may lose to the locals but who knows? We should play for money. Lets see how you do when you try to correctly pronounce these names around Utah.
Being the charitable people we are, we'll spot you a few free spaces on the board like Salt Lake City, St George and Cedar City just to build up your confidence. How hard could the rest be? Do you want to put up some more money to make it interesting?
First, they draw a card and it says Timpanogus. Give some clues like, it's a national monument. Invite them to visit the cave if they get it right. After they flame out and you snicker, show them this phonetic helper. Timp-uh-NO-gus. Be nice to your friends. That was a hard one. Even your spellcheck will argue with you on Timpanogus. There's a really cool Harley shop in Timpanogus so be sure to visit next time you are in the area.
I lived in Tooele for almost 15 years and never had anyone on the phone get that right when they were confirming my address. "Is it Tool?" "Tooley?" Then you tell them it's Too-WILL-uh and they want to argue. "No it's not! Where did they get that out of Tooele?"
When I was training for my pilot's license, one of the towns on the map I needed to fly near on the flight plan was Duchesne. Yes, I said, "DooCHEZ-nee?" The flight instructor let me get it wrong several times and about an hour later he clued me in to "Du-Shane". You can have a lot of fun with your family and friends on that one. On with the game. It's your roll and the word is Oquirrh. The prize money is now $250,000. Go! ...Not even close.
Oak-er always makes players skeptical but that's really it. We have a few town names that look simple but for some reason, we make them harder just for fun. Have you ever been to Weber? Did you think it was Webber instead of WEEber? By now your friends think you are cheating at this game. Now tell them about Hurricane.
Thankfully we have some towns with cool names too. I'd love to live in Gunlock just go be able to give that as part of my address. Gunlock UT. That's where this little guy is heading. 'Cool reservoir in Gunlock by the way. They are famous for their rodeo too.
One other game the locals play well is cornhole. They'll take your money there too. If they gamble.