Any Vintage Toy Might Be Valuable 

If you are going through your grandmother’s estate, pay attention to vintage toys. Most are worth some money, and some are worth thousands. Before you toss the boxes in the attic that have gathered dust for decades, take a look at what is stored inside. 

Star Wars Merchandise 

Star Wars figurines

Anything from the original Star Wars from 1978 can be valuable. A Luke Skywalker Action Figure can get you $25,000. Even better, if you have the original Boba Fett it could be as much as $32,000. 

Original Board Games 

Monopoly set from 1940

With the popularity of games rising, interest in games of the past is following the trend. An original Monopoly game can fetch you a tasty $146,500. Don’t toss these games even if they are missing pieces. 

Hot Wheels 

Hot Wheels cars still in package

Not every old car is worth money, but some are worth a ton like the Volkswagen Beach Bomb from 1969 that is currently worth $150 grand. You may not be able to figure out how that old track goes together, but you might want to hang onto it a little longer. 

Read More: Revealed: Popular Toys From Each Year Reflects Utah and the Nation

Of course, comic books, dolls and old game systems are always valuable. Don’t be too quick to throw out the toy from decades past without checking what it might be worth. There is gold in some of those old bins. 

LOOK: The top holiday toys from the year you were born

With the holiday spirit in the air, it’s the perfect time to dive into the history of iconic holiday gifts. Using national toy archives and data curated by The Strong from 1920 to today, Stacker searched for products that caught hold of the public zeitgeist through novelty, innovation, kitsch, quirk, or simply great timing, and then rocketed to success.

Gallery Credit: Jacob Osborn & Peter Richman

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