Smoke Blowing into Southern Utah from Wildfires 

There have been wildfires inside Utah and in the surrounding states and it has reduced the air quality here in our area. Fires in California are the main cause of the smoky skies we are currently experiencing. 

When the skies look this way, it is good to check out what level of particulates there are in the air. You can see the color coded levels at The level in St. George has been up to red which is unhealthy:  

Sensitive groups should avoid outdoor exertion.

It goes on to say all people should be careful to not spend too much time outside doing outdoor activities when it gets to this level.

I get a little raspy when the air is smoky and I noticed this for the first time when exercising in the evening. 

Recommended Solutions When It Gets Unhealthy 

This sensitivity may be something new for you. If your eyes itch and your throat burns you may want to watch what you do outside. Stay inside and keep the doors closed. You can also look at an air purifier if you need more help. There are many more recommendations on the CDC site. 

Read More: Mental Health Improved For Utahns Who Do More of This

The other thing you can do is pray or ask the universe to help those brave people fighting the fires in California. It would be best for all if they were put out. While you are at it, ask for some moisture to fall in this area. That can only help tamp down the particulates. 

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Gallery Credit: Sarah Jones

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