It is the giving season in Utah and that means it's a great time to look at local charities and volunteer opportunities.  

Utah has so many places that people are able to give to. Not everyone has the funds or time to get Christmas gifts or holiday food and helping is the best way to get into the holiday spirit.  

Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away and then Christmas will be in no time.  

These local charities are great options for giving in Utah.  

Southern Utah 

Dove Center 

The Dove Center is a place that helps domestic and sexual abuse survivors. They have a holiday wish list for you to check out. You can drop off items Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 


This is Southern Utah’s local homeless shelter that helps families and individuals get back on their feet. Not only that, but there are several businesses they run including a thrift store, garden, and coffee shop. They also have a soup kitchen. You can set up a drive or just drop off items. Here are the items that are needed by SwitchPoint.  

Utah Food Bank 

The Utah Food Bank has locations all over Utah. They have actually partnered with some Harmon’s locations for food drives. You can set up your own food drive or a donation page through the Utah Food Bank or give as you see fit.  

Northern Utah 

Canines With a Cause 

For all the Utah animal lovers out there, this is perfect. Canines With a Cause is an organization that takes rescues and helps turn them into service dogs for veterans and those who need them. You foster, adopt, volunteer or give to help out.  

Mothers Without Borders 

This organization helps women and youth in Zambia, Africa. Providing food, education and strengthening the community is Mothers Without Borders mission. They may have a holiday plan to raise funds but as of now it has not been announced. You can donate to the cause on their website though.  

Adopt A Native Elder 

This is such a cool and unique way to give back to other communities. Adopt A Native Elder or ANE helps the elderly on the Navajo Reservation. Food deliveries, medical supplies and home needs are just some of the things they do. There are several ways to give back and fund some necessities for this community.  

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