Have You SEEN IT YET Southern Utah??
I haven't been out to Snow Canyon yet to see the awesome flag that's going to be displayed through November 18th.
According to KUTV.com: (full article)
"An American flag measuring over 1,000 feet was draped between the walls of Snow Canyon Saturday morning as an annual tribute to all U.S. soldiers.
Follow the Flag - a nonprofit organization based out of Pleasant Grove - assembles the flag each year, which spans over a quarter acre in size at Snow Canyon State Park in St. George."
Here are some pictures of it:
Southern Utah Can You Pass This Picture Quiz?
This is an awesome display of patriotism in one of the most beautiful settings in the country. I am going to go this week to see it. Hope you enjoyed your Veterans Day Weekend.
There's seven questions. You get an A- if you only miss one (my grading scale)...good luck!
(Answer key is at the bottom)
This is a layup. Half of California can name this place...
The cups have been blurred out for those who have no integrity.
Everyone is getting this one, right?
This one could be tough for some and the easiest one on the list for others.
Too easy?
This might be the hardest one on the list.
I drive past this establishment a lot.
Let's just say they have great deals on a certain type of food...
Once again, this one's probably a gimme...
And the one that started it all...this is taken from an airplane window which is why it looks blue.
#1 - Vernon Worthen Park
#2 - Angelica's Mexican Grill
#3 - Pine View High School (parking lot)
#4 - Swig on Blvd
#5 - Bakery Outlet over by Bluff
#6 - Tontaquint Dino Park
#7 - Bald Knoll (out by Alton and Glendale)
I assumed like some other Southern Utahns that this was in Veyo. But it's way out past Orderville in the middle of nowhere.
It came from a post on Reddit that threw me for a loop.
I've never been. Never even heard of it. Does that mean I fail my own test?
Thanks for playing! If you got a 7/7 you're a true Southern Utahn. If you got them all except the last one, you still get an "A". Way to go!
13 Words Only Utahns Know How To Pronounce
Gallery Credit: Mikey Foley