New Year’s resolutions are a funny concept. You wait to make a serious change in your life with the signal of the New Year’s fireworks, and most of the time, it doesn’t pan out as well as one might hope.

Across Southern Utah, many residents try to make a change for the better with the new year, and this year will be no different, but the real question is what kind of change is realistically attainable?

Weight Loss Resolutions

This is arguably the most common resolution you see among those looking to improve themselves. Of course you’re going to want to change your dietary habits and fitness routine after the most calory consuming two weeks that are the holidays.

On a personal note, this is actually my personal new year resolution going into 2024, but much like so many other well-meaning folks, there’s a good chance the attempted change isn’t going to last for one reason or another.

Quit Smoking/Quit Drinking

Another common resolution to find across the world is the need to cut off bad habits like smoking or drinking. As much as I wish this was the easiest resolution to keep, this is unfortunately one of the hardest to see done effectively.

Most who decide they want to stop drinking or smoking try to go cold turkey (cut off the source of addiction immediately without any preparation). While this may work for some, it can also be dangerous if not done properly.

It’s highly advised that anyone looking to get away from dangerous substance abuse should seek professional help before taking drastic action, but it’s also understandable if you don’t have said resources within your reach.

Try Something New/New Hobby

This can be one of the easiest resolutions to achieve, or it can be the hardest. It all depends on what kind of hobby or “new thing” you’re looking to experience.

For instance, sky diving may be a little more difficult to get into, especially around Southern Utah.

If you were take on something like tennis, fishing, collecting, or something of the like, you’re definitely more likely to find success. If I were to choose a new hobby or experience a new thing, I would definitely want to travel out of the country since I’ve never done that before.

Regardless of what resolution you plan on attempting in 2024, just remember that you don’t have to wait for the new year to make a significant change. It is a rather trendy thing to do though.


Popular New Year's Resolutions

Popular New Year's Resolutions

Gallery Credit: Mikael Donnovan

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