If You See Purple Paint In Utah, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!
Like many states in the US, Utah has many laws that would be considered WEIRD or CRAZY, but they're still laws. Have you ever been walking around somewhere, maybe in the woods, mountains, or fields of Utah and encountered some purple paint? A lot of people are just now realizing what the purple paint means, and if you see any purple paint, you should leave IMMEDIATELY!
In Utah, purple paint on trees, fence posts, or signs is a way to mark private property and indicates that trespassing is not allowed without permission. This is part of the "Purple Paint Law," which provides landowners an alternative to using traditional "No Trespassing" signs. The paint serves as a clear and lasting warning to anyone passing by that the area is off-limits.
No Trespassing:
In many states, including Utah, purple paint on trees, fences, or other structures serves as a clear marker indicating that the land is private, and entry is prohibited without permission. It offers a more lasting and noticeable alternative to traditional no-trespassing signs.
No Hunting:
If you see purple paint out in the wild it means no hunting. However, that also applies to fishing and trapping. None of those things will be allowed on that property without WRITTEN permission from the land owner.
Now that you know about the Purple Paint Law, I bet we'll start noticing it a whole lot more than we noticed before. I definitely didn't know this was a law in Utah until today!